Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Suzzane likes this, Kyle is understandably confused, and Jenny wants to spend time with this person near the edge of a river (?!) Next time, Justin, please be more clear: WHICH mother fuckers best believe WHAT?

This was an excellent reader submission. Keep 'em coming, guys!


  1. All the mutha fuckas by the river are gunna feel the wrath of a man who knows that moody rage is best expressed by a black and white profile picture of a mirror.

  2. jenny is so unimpressed by him that she's chosen to ignore his status completely. suzzane might be his mommy.

  3. who the hell is the best? is Justin the best? with his post leads me o believe that no, he is not the best...

  4. The band 30H!3 must be notified NOW. Lyrics should not have to go through this mess.

  5. Thank you annonymous for the comment obviously no one has ever heard of 3 oh 3... yes this is justin... fuck you all
