(According to our submitter, the photos were "of course, white shirts on the beach engagement photos.")
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The subject-verb agreement here is terrible, for one thing. But what I'm wondering is: When you get poked on a joint Facebook account, who is actually being flirted with? And is it cheating?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
First people start blogging about how their Facebook friends are really annoying. Then, when that can no longer contain their anger, they start responding personally to statuses with insults like "Shut up" and "You are a douche" or "Never take your pants off ever." Jordan has reached his stage 2 breaking point.
After that it's just chaos.
(Thanks Chris, for the submission!)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
The point of your status update is obviously to seem better than us lowly people reading Facebook in English in the United States . But a status update announcing that you are reading Facebook when you could be eating brie and sleeping with beautiful French people makes you seem just like one of us. Actually, it makes you seem way lamer. Go eat some cheese, get laid, and then update your Facebook status.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
First of all, let me point out that Facebook has ruined the English language. When we first wrote status updates there was a strict format: "FirstName LastName is ___." Now that Facebook has chosen to allow me the great personal freedom of choosing the verb I am enacting, for some inexplicable reason people still write in the "is."
Not only has William made this mistake, he did so while commemorating his grandfather's death. Are you putting it on Facebook for the sympathy sex William? Because Susan looks ready to put out.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sherry is subtley referring to the fact that she thinks Angie's announcement is gross. Even though Facebook doesn't have rules against calling your husband sexy, many of us have personal "rules" against hearing someone say it.
She didn't mention all the sex she had (thankfully), but it's kind of implied and already this update is too explicit. Folks, let's try to keep this stuff to ourselves from now on.
(Thanks to our Anonymous submitter!)
Day in the life of Sammy Poo:
- Wake up in bed with Hannah, use all strength to pry self away from her clinging arms
- Shower and get ready for work (double bolt bathroom door to ensure privacy)
- Eat a carefully monitored breakfast of Eggs Alla Hannah and pancakes perfectly formed to resemble Sammy Poo's face
- Get in the car to go to work and ESCAPE LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
You're wrong about the water, Kara. Everyone else is drinking entire handles of vodka and sleeping with the first person that hits on them at bars, not proclaiming their insecurities on Facebook, which is what you should do if you're looking for love. In fact, what are you doing on Facebook at 11:44 pm anyway? That is primo manhunting time! Get your dancing shoes on girl, and work it! But promise me you won't announce to every guy you meet that you forsee yourself living a solitary life of spinsterdom. So not hot.
This was a reader submission so I'm curious to know whether anyone commented on this update. Did Kara receive several marriage proposals (get her now, boys! she's going to be available... forever!) or did she just hear crickets? AWKWARDDDDDDDDDD.
This was a reader submission so I'm curious to know whether anyone commented on this update. Did Kara receive several marriage proposals (get her now, boys! she's going to be available... forever!) or did she just hear crickets? AWKWARDDDDDDDDDD.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
This is the part where a profile change from "in a relationship" to "single" would have sufficed. And to be clear, here is a list of things that are eras:
1. The Big Band Era
2. The Precambrian Era
3. The Elizabethan era
Things that are not eras:
1. That time in your life you were 'Sonia and Some Dude Forever'
2. Back when you used to play soccer.
3. Pants.
And as the submitter Matthew commented, "Abuse of the ellipsis is by far the most annoying status 'technique'." (Thanks, Matthew!)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Kari has blown away all my assumptions about annoying status updates. TMI and terrible song lyrics as statuses will be a damning legacy of our era but at least we've come to expect it.
This is like... a knock-knock joke. Or do you think "the girl" is really Kari? And why is C Justin enabling her?
(Thanks, Chad for the submission!)
Well you let us know when you are in the same place at the same time as Jennifer Aniston. Oh wait, I won't care then, either.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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